Holy Jeebus
I'm very very excited. I have a 'new and interesting' timelapse running right now. The SLR is taking exposures every 20sec or so of Liz and I at the dinner table...... I'm being photographed right.........NOW!
I'm very very excited. I have a 'new and interesting' timelapse running right now. The SLR is taking exposures every 20sec or so of Liz and I at the dinner table...... I'm being photographed right.........NOW!
After many hours of pain and suffering, I have a prototype!!! I burnt out two LED's and a timing circuit in the process and discovered that it doesn't take much to melt plastic.....
This one goes out to Jesse. He has been trying to talk me into hacking my camera for a while. He's the little red devil on the shoulder telling me to start experimenting with expensive equipment and spending many hours pulling hair out because certain electrons aren't going where I think they should....... No wonder solid-state physicists drink whiskey.
Liz and I went to the North Shore on Monday to see some big swell. It was at least tripple overhead at Waimea. Tons of gawkers and traffic sucked after 9am, but since we got there around 8 we just laughed at all the suckers. As usual, I was playing with the SLR since it's shutter can do 1/4000 sec. The breaking waves made some really nice splashes.
I've completely revamped my website. Finally. I've got the BJJ videos into an indexed html file and some new pictures from the last few months. It's really sad that I haven't had time to go thru my pix since mid october. They tell me it's sometime in december now....... There's all these people with weird lights all over their houses and people trying to sell you crap all over the place, not to mention the mail box is stuffed with Victoria Secret and Useless-Crap-You-Didn't-Know-You-Wanted catalogs. I'm confused........
Sean told me that I should "be a man and write the damn html" for my personal website. He was right. Up until this moment, I was a juvenile, pimple-faced, squeaky-voiced code-writing wannabe. No more!! Using a few quick looks at various pages, I discovered that html coding is ridiculously easy when all you want to do is display images and link webpages. So, I went and made a nice 'cover page' for my timelapse here. I've also written a little 'index' page for my main site here. Now, I'm working on getting through the last 3 months of pictures I've taken to try and get the best of the best up (since I've got about 15GB of pics and I doubt anyone has the tolerance for a 10 hour slideshow.....) And a parting shot - Jesse being jesse.
Ok. So, there is a reason why the camera costs twice my little one. The pictures are pretty nice. Actually, they're really nice. This one had the same size filter threads so all my new filters worked. I'm nowhere near able to afford this one right now, but perhaps I will actually save up for one sometime..... I just need that timing box so that I can continue doing timelapse!!
For those who know me best, this will come as no surprise. I have a gadget-addiction. I like playing around with new toys to see what I can do with them. So, last night I was at Costco, the summation of 'merican values store, and I noticed a bunch of cameras. Now, Costco has this wonderful policy - they won't put batteries in the camera or let you read the instruction booklet. They just tell you to buy the camera and try it out. Just like when Amazon tells you the price is too low for them to display so you have to add it to your shopping-cart to see it. It's a great marketing play on peoples desires. Anyways, I always feel a bit strange just buying a camera, using and testing it, and then getting cash back in a few weeks when I've figured out that I like the one I have and don't really feel like paying $800 for the SLR I just used to take this picture.......
I had a long geeky conversation with Rosie last night about spectra. She does emission spectroscopy of 'the crap in water'. I do emission and absorption spectroscopy of stars. We have lots of stuff in common. She was stoked to see my 'solar spectrum' that I downloaded from the National Solar Observatory.
Here's some links to some new timelapse. Right-click and save as or just click and hope that you have the relevant plug-in. May the force be with you.....
Rumor has it that Rosie's husband-to-be needs a few pictures of his babe on a beach to keep him warm in Antarctica. There's a few nice pics on my webpage located here. To Chris, we salute your bravery and skill at peeing in a cup without having body parts freeze off...... For those who are curious about Chris - click this. Rosie is here, but Dr. Rose Cory is here.
I had an idea. Picures of candles through glasses. It turned out pretty cool. For those who like these sorts of things - 1.6", f=3.2, iso=50, sunny white balance, camera in super macro with ~7cm focus. It should be really easy with a little tripod. Jesse - i know you could do something really cool with this (think rocks and water....) anyways, here they are.
when you think of LA, do you think of open space and cold? i didn't. but that's what it seems to be in santa monica and the coast. i think it's partly because of all the billionaire estates with castles, porches, and dogs named tiffany..... the PCH is quite pretty. and it's been cold here. 50's n 60's. WTF? i thought i would be coming here, sweating my ass off, surrounded by a bunch of people. it's been a bit of a shock. lots of things seem as they should. everything costs $5 million and if you drive anything less than a 1995BMW people look at you sideways, but there are no big buildings and lots of space. the 'image' if you will is nice. all of the houses are pretty. even the townhouse developments don't look as glaringly generic-a. thanks lynn. anyways. that's it for now. food is fabulous and the coast is nice. i suppose i shouldn't have run away from LA so quickly when carly n michelle came. only, then i remember that i couldn't have afforded the $5 valet beach parking.... actually, i still can't. if i wasn't such a mooch on my dear auntie c, i would have starved.......
i've got to take a break from this work/meeting stuff. i'm on my last day here and i've spent most of it redo-ing figures for one of the papers...... it's been fun and interesting and all that crap, but a bit exhausting. anyways, here's a few pics i grabbed from the DI website cause i spent a lot of time looking at them over the last couple days.
I thought i'd put in a couple pics to show what life is like day to day. one of the things i did in santa cruz was to make squiggly lines that look like this......
i've been stuck in a conference room all day. i've done a lot of code-writing. i'll be posting a little thing later since people are somewhat curious about the day-to-day. anyways, here's some more plane shots. the middle to the west is by far the most interesting. no offense to the east coast, but it's flat and woody. good for forrest stuff, but boring as all hell from a window.
Flying over land is always interesting. mountains and canyons are some of my favorite.