Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Stacking II

So, I went a little crazy with the image stacking routines. I'm pretty stoked at how easy it was to just co-add a bunch of images and get some neat pics. I hope to catch a lot of good moonrises this trip. I also decided to change timelapse stratagy - I've got a ton of hour-long, short-exposure (1sec) lapses. I think I want to explore the whole-day-in-30-seconds timescales now.... A few of the image stacks came from a 4 hour lapse. The stacked image came out weird - blue nearby because of the ocean but blending into yellowish clouds seen through the inversion layer below the Big Island..... Neat. I was amazed at the detail in the land on the Big Isle. I can't say I've ever resolved the gullys from over here. Maybe the air is just clear, or perhaps the stacking helped bring it out..... I don't know.


Blogger Liz said...

Wow. The second one is my favorite! I didn't even notice all the shit on the lens until the bottom one... Was that from before you cleaned the camera?

6:57 AM  
Blogger geekedout said...

i haven't cleaned the ccd since i got the camera back from the pentax repair shop. i should have remembered to do that. they certainly don't clean it for you....

4:07 PM  
Blogger Diane Harrington said...


8:57 AM  

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