Friday, May 02, 2008

Submitting a monster....

No, not grappling. I've got the "data" part of my thesis compressed down into a submittable paper. Basically chapters 6, 8 and 9 with a few figures stolen from 5 and 7. I got all depressed when I realized that I had to spend a few hours renaming every figure to the ApJ style - f1.eps, f2.eps, f3.eps when I had named them all specpol-abaur-indiv.eps or something like that. Three beers and several hours later I had the renaming, reference cross-checking, and figure sequencing done. I needed that beer....

This figure was pretty cool. At least as cool as figures can be. New data on new stars! I think exploring this stuff will be another few papers min... considering I've got data on damn near every star type now and they all show interesting stuff.


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