Saturday, August 05, 2006

Flying to Brussels

The flight to Eurpoe hurt like hell. I stayed up all night observing Thursday night. In the morning, we had computer/disk issues and I was frantically processing data until about 8am (didn't finish, long story). I spent a few hours driving down the mountain and flying back to my office. I managed to get 2 or so hours of sleep, but since my camera broke, I spent a few hours buying a temporary, trial, costo-special camera. I love free trials. ;) I left to go to the airport near 9pm. I couldn't sleep that well on all 3 flights, and had a 4 hour delay (twice on and off a faulty plane) in DC. Anyways, I ended up a spacy zombie in Brussels sometime Sunday afternoon (local?). I still feel all screwed up (writing this Thursday). But, when you're sleep deprived and coming off observing for 4 nights, staring out the window is *very* entertaining. I do like crossing the western states.

A playa in Nevada.
The mountains west of lake Tahoe.
The sierra nevada range, looking south, near Tahoe. I think yaus-might a few ridges behind the horizon.

I'm pretty sure we passed over Lick observatory on mount Hamilton - this is just after takeoff, and we were south of San Fran. I think that's right.....
Lake Tahoe with a big fire on the East side - it's really neat to see the smoke go across the lake.


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