Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Angels Landing, Zion

We went to the land of Moron-i, and stood upon the face of the mountain where the native american (but somehow white) angel did land. This angel came to Joe Smith and gave him some seeing stones to translate gold tablets (that later disappeared) into the next testament of Jeebus Christie (aka the book of Moron). The hike was very difficult at first, being plagued by steep switchbacks and noxious gasses to test the faithful, but the second half was full of rapture and glory. I now truely believe that, as the prophet Joe said, I must have at least 3 wives in order to save their female souls (not for selfish reasons at all....)

Apparently, Bringham Young (prophet number 2) sent somebody to farm this valley in the late 1800's but that somebody started growing tobacco. When Bringham found out, he said that this valley was definately not Zion so until more recent, rational times, this valley was named "Not-Zion".......... At least, that's what the park employee's say.
Down the valley from Angels Landing.
A view of observation point from the landing.
A view of Angels Landing from the saddle. It's a wicked fin of sandstone.


Blogger Diane Harrington said...

if you're going to have 3 you might as well have 10 wives and I certainly believe your goal is altruistic

3:34 AM  

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