Here's me taking the new near-ir canon for a spin. It's done some damn-impressive shots. The air just disappears... And vegetation is just a weird blue.... Anyways, there was a horrible cross-wind and my touch-n-goes sucked. Well, I'm doing really well for where I am in my lessons, but I always feel like an idiot when I bounce the plane. We did some really nice patterns in the morning when there was no wind, but afterward when the wind came up cross, it just killed me. I got to glide along the Ko'olau ridge on the upwind. When you're on the ridge with the engine off it's just great. Fabulous. You can maintain altitude at 80mph and just cruise the whole length of the island. No gas. No motor. Glorious.....
Da Plane.

Looking south near Kaneohe.

Looking North from Kaneohe with the H3 underneath.

Waimea on the way back.

Waimea in the morning...

Rabbit Island just outside Makapu'u.

The southern Ko'olau, Nike Missle Site & Mariners Ridge.

Manoa Valley.

Looking back toward town...

The windward side looking towards the marine corps base.

Ka'ala on the way home...