Tourney Time
The last 3 weeks has been dedicated to losing the 10 pounds of whatever I gained since my qualifying exams. At the last tourney I weighed in at 171, near the top of the middle-weight division. Everybody I grappled was ripped, and I had a spare tire. That sucked. My boxing instructor, Lyndell, told me that I was starting to look "happily married". Dammit!! So, on Tuesday, after a few weeks of not eating after 6pm and not stuffing my face with truffles, I finally made the light-weight cutoff of 161. I've been near there all week and the weigh in is tomorrow night, so I think it's safe to say that I'll be fighting light again. It's nice to be back down to guys that feel more my size. Those heavy-weight dudes are strong. It's amazing what 15 pounds of meat can do when it's trying to throw you around...... Here's the tourney flyer.
From the flyer I think I ought to mail you a neck brace!! Good luck you lightweight
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