Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tsunami Cooking Madness

The "Tsunami Day" was an interesting one. I got emails around 11pm Friday that a warning was on. I had been hanging out with Eva and Steve at a Waikiki bar and Steve ended up leaving his car in Waikiki and crashed at my place. 6am Saturday morning, the sirens start their hourly cadence. We all wake up and do the 'command post' thing watching news and fielding all the frantic phone calls from the mainland. I swear they panic way more than we do.

It takes us half an hour to decide that we'll be fine and have what we need for a good couple weeks 'back country'. Eva comes up from Waikiki since she's near the evac zone. We all drive in to Waikiki to grab Steves car. It was my first time seeing cars line up at a gas station.... Either way, people were out doing their morning exercise or walking around with coffee so it didn't seem like that big of a deal in an odd way. I mean, having hours of warning gives you lots of time to prepare for things so it was an odd experience. The grocery stores were slammed but a lot of people still did their morning exercise. Eva and I napped for the next few hours while Steve facebooked and Mikey did what Mikey does. I woke up a bit before it was supposed to start. We ended up watching this webcast for half an hour (replayed timelapsed on youtube). Once it looked like it wasn't going to do much, we went for a run to Manoa falls and cooked a wicked pasta.

Overall, there was plenty of warning, roads were clear, there wasn't much traffic, people chilled out and went to the lookouts with cameras, and Billy even told me that there were people drag-racing on the open north shore streets since there weren't any cars (cops or traffic). Sounds like the North Shore. It was about the most coordinated emergency situation I could imagine.

Mikey teaching us how to not kill basil.
Run Mikey Run!


Blogger Mom said...

I would say concerned not frantic!! Sounds like your day was a good one!!

2:19 AM  

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