Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Flying in to HNL from San Jose Sept 3rd... Finally!

Today was my first time grappling in a long time. I spent the day on campus and *passing* my written pilots exam! I got some work done then went grappling to celebrate. Now it's 2am, I'm tired but can't sleep and I can feel my body slowly cramp up as I try to get enough water in me to stave off debilitating soreness. At least I got 6 tap-outs and never tapped myself! I've still got it (sort of, though I'm chubby and slow lately). Hopefully this Jiu-jitsu crank-up will go away soon.... In the mean time, I've been photoshopping and processing pictures. The NIR shots from the flight back from Burning Man were pretty damn impressive. In my humble opinion.


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