Monday, September 04, 2006

Published II

I spent some time the last few days working on getting my second paper finished up. The last review came through and the paper was accepted for publication in the Icarus Deep Impact special issue. It's an awesome feeling to have another one out there. Finished! Finally! It's up on the IfA preprints, Astro-ph, ADS, and should be in press in a month or so. Yay! I've spent a lot of time updating my website too. Lots of stuff in publications, research, and new pics n timelapse. I won't get the last few updated until I'm back to fast internet connections (it's 2am and I'm just staying up until I leave for the airport ~5:30am), but there's some of smoke, fire, and water that were really fun to take, as well as scuba-diving video's that nick took.


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