Hooking Up
Everybody is getting married. Why this year? I don't get it. Liz has 4 to go to in the next few months, and I can count 3. I guess it's about that time (mid 20's) but I'm nowhere near thinking about that kind of thing right now. I've got 3 years before I can even "get a real job", and I guess it's just not on my mind with school and setting up my "career". Besides, I'm practically married anyways. Liz and I can be very "domestic"........
Yeah, I know what you mean. My friend Maree went to visit her boyfriend who was working over in London for 3 months (cos his work sent her there to see him for two weeks - nice) and he proposed when she got there. So I have two bridesmaid roles to fill, though I can see myself being one of those always a bridesmaid, never a bride people, which I am a-ok with.
Why the 20s? I don't get that part of it...biologicaly clock going tick tick tick? The fear of being alone finally sets in? What?
i'm really confused by it too. you are leaving a comfort zone and finding your own way so there is a lonely-factor. you'll never meet as many people your age and mentality again. biology too because it is baby-time. actually, mid twenties is mid-life biologically. we didn't live much past 40 until a little while ago. i don't know. another part of age is trying to figure out "who you are" and not so much trying out a bunch of different things - you've settled in to a comfortable self and so you can actually relate to one person for a few years without becoming a whole new person. unlike freshman year when you go from twerp to drunk to chill to stressed & antisocial on a weekly basis...... liz answer - how about everything?
Me and Dave talked about this today. To me, it's part biological, part just finally being in a place where you're comfortable - you can support having a family by yourself, you are young enough that it won't be a huge burden on your bodies and you can actually enjoy the kids when they get to that age where you can finally relate to them on an adult level instead of being 75.
stability is a huge thing. i agree that a lot of parents can't relate, but some part of me thinks that has a lot to do with the parents too. i have a great time with "the ancient ones". there's a huge age gap there, but that doesn't get in the way. there are a lot of 20-somethings that seem so foreign to me.....
Ok, I sadi relate, but I also was thinking about being able to doing activities with them without breaking hips and such. Like my parents being able to go hiking with us out here... Physically realting as well as mentally.
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